
There's Faith In The Heart

My dad called. It's good to hear from him... We don't enough (fill in the missing term with whatever you want- whatever it is, it isn't enough). He asked how my beau & I were. I told him. He said he was glad to see so much maturity in me... since I could recognize that we were better as friends. I guess his experiences with girls of my age were more shallow... or those girls didn't recognize what their hearts were really telling them. That's a reason why my mom is proud of me: I could recognize what my heart was saying vs. my head. Honestly, I'm proud of that myself. I'm also proud that I took the initiative to follow it.
It takes a lot of faith to follow your heart... faith that what you feel, what you believe in, is true. The faith that it will eventually be real for you.
I believe that I am able to recognize these feelings... and I hope that it fulfills a purpose. I hope that what I am meant for comes to be.


Lezicle said...

oh silly gwenn. what you are meant for will be no matter what. don't be so silly. and don't worry so much. for me, i just jump. i get an idea in my head and i want to dive. if you stair at the distance between you and the water for too long it gets scary. and it's hard to jump. sometimes nearly impossible. follow your heart. whatever you have to do. ze kol beseder! i know i seem crazy. but i think sometimes that if i think about it too much or don't do something soon enough it will never happen...cause in all honesty thats what people do. they make a lot of dreams...and so few make it to reality. i think that some are more important than others. but all the same there will never be enough time to fill your life with all the something you wish you could do and all the nothing you shouldn't do.

Anonymous said...

It's not that I'm worried or afraid... I'm just waiting. I'm waiting for that impulse, that dive, as you say.
I recognize the feelings of my heart, and I'm just waiting to feel it again.
I feel it's coming though =)

Lezicle said...

That's awesome. There are a lot of things I want to do. For instance, I LOVE music. But I know I am capable of having a greater impact on humanity. When I helped aid in the reconstruction of the girls' school in Tzafat it was huge. We didn't have enough time to help out. But just the little taste of it made me want to do more. It made me want to join the IDF. It made me want to volunteer for a summer. It made me want to join an organization and fight terrorism. It just flat out made me realise that I've always felt like I have a responsibility to do something, really do something, and all I have to do it do it. It's never enough to want. But it's everything if you want enough to act.

Anonymous said...

I know you'll be smart about this. It might be hard to make a change, if you do. But know that i'm always behind you.

Lezicle said...

Thanks babe. I know what I want...but I'm not really sure what I can have or what I'll get.