
An End to A Week

This weekend I plan on having one of these kinds of weekends --->
So I went to pick up my disposable black and white pictures that I've been looking forward to getting for the past 4 days, and they couldn't find them. They were supposed to call me back today, and they haven't... It really makes me sad. So hopefully they'll find them because some pictures you just can't replace.


Lezicle said...

Kaiser is a cutie. Anyway, I'm sorry you're cell is dying w/no charger. Mine is dying w/charger. It's like I can't hear people on my phone unless it's on speaker. And if I don't use it, it will last a whole day. If I do use it I have to charge right afterwards. It's lasted a long time. I've had it for over two years. But still...it's a pain in the ass to convince my parents I need one. And the thing is their rational is that every phone I get always dies, but every phone they give me has been through my dad and whatever he's put it through a year before I had it. Ya know? So it's not like I'm getting fresh brand new equipment or anything. Anyway...I think a cell phone lasting over three years isn't bad considering it's the only phone line I ever really use.

Anyway, I'm sorry your black and whites disapeared. That really sucks. I can't believe they did that. I've had that happen with Wal-Mart. They ruined like three rolls of my film on accident and there was no way they could do anything about it. They didn't even refund me for the film they ruined or anything!!!!!! I got like three packets of black photos! And it was all from a trip I went on and some were from Interlochen one summer. So, it was a real bummer. Anyway, I hope your photos show up. If not. Give em' hell!

Anonymous said...

haha. right on i will... try. okay- so why not buy a new phone? you can get a cheap one that's better than the one you have now. sure it might be pretty expensive... but it might do you some good. and i should follow my own advice. darnnit.

Lezicle said...

It's just depends ya know. I'm on my parents family plan and they pay for it so whatever they give me I should be grateful for. I'm really excited actually. Pretty soon I'm going to be on my own. Not this summer but a couple summers from now I plan on getting a license to bartend. I need to get some marketable skills other than being a musical trapese artist.

And ya know, when I do get a job with a symphony I don't know what orchestra it will be and where and how much they will pay me. Any amount is probably gonna be fine...but ya know....teaching will help me make etra $$$ and so will being able to bartend etc. So...when I star working on my masters I'm going to try to find my other niches. Like, maybe I'll get into recording and I can make cash on the side there. Etc. Things like that.

Anyway...cellphone schmellphone. If it stops working all together and I call them collect they'll help me out. So one way or another, eventually I'll have a phone that fully functions.