

Sometimes when I'm down or something is getting to me my mom says, "Don't let the trolls get ya down." Well...today was a Munday not a Monday. And the trolls definitely tackled me today.

the cheer factor: http://www.lileks.com/institute/index.html James Lileks is insanely hilarious and sharp. And the Official Institute of Cheer is a no fail cure for any frown.


Perez said...

Is everyone getting the blues? Seems like everyone in blog land has the blues. Hope everyone gets HAPPY again!

Lezicle said...

i have PMS. it's kinda like the blues. i feel like my entire body has been thrown into a time warp or something. i just don't feel like me. i also think i might be getting sick. time for airborne and some oranges/pomegranite juice and VITAMIN C!

Perez said...

Well I hope you feel better.

Lezicle said...

thank you m'dear. two days of snow and no school helped a lot!