
Polar Bears, Pop, and Current Events

Don't drink Coca Cola like this ad tells you! Drink Pepsi instead.....

Actually, I don't drink carbonated beverages unless it is in a mixed drink. All the same, I am currently boycotting Coca Cola until they stop "pouring bad business ethics on Israeli recycling laws".

Check it out at treehugger: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/03/cocacola_pours.php

Apparently Coca Cola doesn't want to continue shelling out the 5 cents per bottle to recycle and would rather trample Israeli law than throw away a measily $5 to recycle 100 plastic bottles. That's $50 to recycle 1000 bottles etc. The process helps keep Israel clean and beautiful. When I was in Israel I never saw waste or trash on the ground anywhere. For the most part it was very clean. If you think about it Israel is a tiny little country comparible in size to about 17 Rhode Islands and has about 7 times the population. They recycle at least 80 percent of recyclable waste. Not half bad. But Coca Cola, one of the largest distributers of carbonated beverages is getting selfish and brown when it comes to the little Jewish state's laws. Personally, I can drink something else if Cola intends to be so ungreen and so mean.

Another note: Coca Cola's Favorite Spokesman, the Polar Bear, is Now on the Endangered Species List
A summary of what's happening: The sea ice is melting away. Polar bear NEED the sea ice. They can swim long distances for long periods of time, but they need to take breaks. With less and less ice, polar bears swim for longer distances for longer amounts of time. Lately, a lot of polar bears haven't been making it and consequently have been drowning. They've also been losing weight. Less fat means less insulation, meaning that some female polar bears may not have enough insulation to carry baby bears to term. Sad isn't it? Scientists predict all the sea ice well vanish by 2040. But the polar bears will be long gone by then. And what does the Bush administration think? They think you shouldn't know about it. According to the New York Times, memos being circulated at the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service place a gag order on employees in order to keep them from discussing polar bears. The government is forbidding biologists from discussing “climate change, polar bears or sea ice if they are not designated to do so.”

Check out the article here: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/08/washington/08polar.html?_r=1&ref=washington&oref=slogin

Save the Polar Bear? You sure can! Some of these websites contain prewritten emails to important government figures and all you have to do is type in some info and click a button on your mouse and you already did something incredibly helpful for the polar bear. He'll thank you in 2040:



Anonymous said...

I can't give up my Diet Coke!!

But I can't give up my polar bears. Now that'd just be sad to lose them... it'd be like the Panda bears.

Lezicle said...

Or like the Aye-aye. The aye-ayes are dying out and no one is noticing mainly because they arn't cute and furry and they look like little gremlins. But I don't want to say bye bye to the aye-aye.

Lezicle said...

p.s. there are alternatives to diet coke. ya know? but you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. i just refuse to give my money to companies that do things i don't support morally. i'm not saying coke tastes bad. it just doesn't taste good enough to sacrifice my ideals...

Anonymous said...

Great work.