
Trial, Truth, and Error.

It's funny what you can try to convince yourself after something has happened. "I knew this was coming." "I didn't really like him that much in the first place." "There are other people that I think work better for me." The truth is, if all of those things were true, then I would have listened to them in the first place. I act on the feelings that feel most right (and sometimes that is simply what I want the most at the time). But If something truly did not feel right, I would listen to that feeling, because it is the strongest. I can't ignore it.

In the end, When you listen to those feelings, when you seek what is right, then everything works out the way it is supposed to. I might not understand why somethings happen, why somethings work certain ways, but I can cope with that. I am seeking what is best, even if I have to endure trial after trial to finally learn how to get there, and I still believe that everything works out the way that it is supposed to.

1 comment:

Lezicle said...

"The truth is, if all of those things were true, then I would have listened to them in the first place."

By saying this you imply a few things. One of them is that you know everything about someone when you are going out with them or that in the duration of going out with them you don't learn more about them and also that they don't change.

The truth is that in the beginning of a relationship or anything else you may feel really excited about someone. But later on you may have different feelings. It's called euphoria and people who study human sexuality have a couple other names for it. When you are just getting into a relationship you aren't necessarily at your most rational. Not just you of course, but everyone. In fact, there is a National Geographic article about love, euphoria, and the chemical composition etc... So I completely don't agree with that statement at all. What you feel at the beginning of a relationship does not infer that you know right from the beginning didly squat. Sorry. It's really not that simple as feelings. A lot more goes into relationships than what you feel. That is certainly an important part of it. And your brains are very important. Ned may have said that your head will get you introuble, and this isn't entirely true.

Sometimes it can. Sometimes you can talk yourself out of giving a rgeat person a chance. You really never know. Sometimes you initial feelings about someone are really wrong. So, I'm glad you use your heart and pay close attention to how you feel. I also think that it's important to use your head as well.