

I am dead dog tired.



I can't wait to move out and come home.
I am not: good at this
I hate: this think on top of your head quickly survey
I fear: being alone
I regret: little
I cry: out loud
I always: can do better
I sing: boldly
I dance: badly
I learn: quickly... you'd think
I feel: like I have cotton wedged in the corners of my mouth
I fight: bad habits... wait, no I don't.


I am not: tired
I love: clarinet
I hate: my theory TA
I fear: growing old and fat
I hope: I kick ass this summer
I hear: birds outside my window
I crave: success
I regret: many of the things I've done over the years. But I'm trying to learn.
I cry: when I'm frustrated with clarinet
I care: more than you can imagine
I always: try to do the right things
I believe: that music is a part of my soul and that I am on the right path
I feel alone: in that I don't have a partner. I like that. I love my independence.
I listen: all the time.
I hide: in my room, away from the world.
I drive: all the time. It's therapeutic.
I sing: a lot!
I dance: all the time.
I write: when I feel like it.
I play: the clarinet. And frisbee.
I miss: what it feels like to be truly in love. I miss hot summer days. I miss swimming outside. I miss Oklahoma. I miss Gwenn. I miss my dog, that I'll never see again. I miss the places I've never seen.
I search: for meaning in everything.
I learn: so much everyday. Especially on Mondays.
I feel: happy, content, excited scaried, secure and insecure, loved, special, energized, and something else that doesn't have a word.
I know: more now than I did yesterday, but less than I will tomorrow.
I say: "Dear God, Please don't let my father pick out my furniture!"
I succeed: when I listen to Ixi. And I succeed when I balance work and play.
I dream: as much during the day as I do during the night.
I want: love, success, mess and chaos balanced by beauty and silence, good food, and rich future.
I have: more than I feel I deserve.
I give: as much as I can. And then I still feel like I can give more.
I fell: when I tried too hard.
I fight: quietly.
I need: solitude, silence, nature, Oklahoma, friends, family, love, food, Cincinnati, and sleep.


SO I made it through the storm. I'm not where I want to be with performance. But I think I've improved. And I hope to keep it up.

I have a new student. I am so excited!

And I'm going be signing a lease. I hope. I'm excited about that as well. Yahoooo! And I have an awesome summer lined up. And I have another half a quarter to go and then I can move out!

And Gwenn...she's already having her finals. I can't believe it. And she'll already be moved in by the time I get home. Gwenn! And Kaiser. And Kelsey. And their furniture. New home. I wish I could be there. Maybe I can help paint... :P