
The House

is not this one. But imagine it one story... change the blue paint to a white, and the white trim to a creamish yellow. There aren't any fancy canopy roofings that cover the porch, or the front facade window. The porch is very much the same, though... there is one window that sits behind the porch, like this picture. There is one window that sits at the front facade, as well... so take out that small window in the picture (along with the top level). There isn't a walkway that leads to the porch from this direction. The stairs are on the end (south) side; they come up from where we park our cars (along the side of the house). There aren't any hedges at all... to contain grass and weed, the landlords just spray Round Up annually. So here's what we/I plan to do with it: since it is a simple house, we must keep the decorations simple. Otherwise the styles would clash, or seem out of place. Since they spray Round Up every year, we might just avoid planting all together. Okay: where the stairs are in the above picture, I plan on putting/making some stairs there. Either buy pre-cemented stairs, or make them out of railroad ties, cement blocks, or we'll see. We'll add a walkway heading from the stairs made out of stepping stones... perhaps line that walkway with gravel around those stones. We'll paint the trim and the pole-support black, and perhaps the door red. I want to add a little diamond-crossed fence along the end of the porch (where the fence is now in the above picture). In front of that we might add some vinery that could crawl up that fence... perhaps some sort of low, annual bush that doesn't need any maintenance and can last through the years. We'll hang a wind chime, potted plant, or colorful candle holders from the porch roof. There will definately be potted plants somewhere about the porch, or around it... There's still a lot of debate about what we'll do, but that's the general idea so far. Inside: imagine the house diveded into two equal parts. You walk into one part that takes up 2/3 of the space: this is the living room / dining area (it's large.. very nice). Then you walk into a cross section... from here you can go forward into the Kitchen/ laundry room (that's right, we have a laundry area), or you can make a left. If you go forward after you make the left, you'll reach the bathroom. If you make another left, you'll go into Chelsea's room (her window is what you see from the porch), or you can make a right into my room.
There are five window units. To save money, we'll open windows and use fans, then use a couple window units if we have to. Space heaters will probably be used during the winter... and we might paint one wall in the house a different color. I like the idea of painting the North side wall of the living room (the one you see when you walk in) a deep red. With a red door, that'd match beautifully. We'll have pictures, candle holders that extend from the wall, plants, my baker's rack (hopefully), and all sorts of litte decorations through out the house. We'll also have a set of wine glasses and a choice beverage just for those sorts of nights... and a beautiful porch to enjoy it on. Oh! I found a white wicker chair (very adorable) next to the dumpster the other day... so that'll go on the porch as well. We might add some tiki candles to enjoy the porch at night, also.

Now... don't you want to visit?

1 comment:

Lezicle said...

Yes. I wish Alex and I had found a place already. Can't rent houses like yours. But it sounds great. I'm proud of you. Glad your happy. Can not wait to see this place!!!! SO I'll have to see it in about 3 weeks I guess :P