
A little Worn

I'm feeling a little worn out. Actually, if I am completely honest, this week hasn't felt any more rough for me than any other Charette week. It's kinda nice, in an odd way. Most people are fretting over the work load and the stress of this week... and they all feel very far behind. I personally don't feel any farther behind than I always am. And that's kind of a cool thought- that I'm on the same level with everyone else, but I'm not feeling bad about it. Okay, that isn't a cool thought. It's just a cool deal.
I'll tell you though... I love any excuse to get away from the desk. What can I say, I prefer to go in intervals. And honestly... I also like curling up with a laptop and music and typing to town. But I don't have anything to type about... so I'm just rambling. Ah what can I say? I like doing it every now and again. I fell asleep in the car earlier waiting for Panera to open. It was kinda nice... except my eyes were more sleepy than they had been earlier. I can't blame them.
Well... Looking forward to that road trip. Three nights and counting...


Lezicle said...

You need to start getting sleep if you plan on driving here. Seriously. It is very, VERY easy to fall asleep on the road. Even when I took two double shot expressos and had something to eat I had a hard time sometimes. I'm really serious about this.

Anonymous said...

I know, love. I drive all the time. But Chels will be with me, so no falling asleep that way.

Lezicle said...

Gwenn, driving from Edmond is not the same thing as driving across the country. You don't do it all the time. You can't be so nonchalant about this. I'm sorry. If you're going to be an adult you need to plan accordingly for such things. Be prepared. I don't want to loose my best friend because you are overconfident and you end up getting introuble. You need to be wide-eyed and bushytailed. You won't know where you are and people don't drive the same in every state. You don't know the roads. It's not going to be easy all the time. Inevitably you'll run into some tough shit. So you're going to want to be at the top of your game. So you gotta get more rest.