
My Little Place

I have a little place that sits in the back window of my car... It stopped the people who were walking by. They paused, and watched it. Then other people came to join them, and they showed them that little place.
It's simply a red house, with a dock that leads to a river, with toothpick-ed faded trees surrounding the house.
I've reminded myself to throw the thing away dozens of times, but if it is going to bring people to a stop, then I might just keep it there.
It's my little place that sits in the back window of my car.


Lezicle said...

If you throw it away then you need to replace it first with a newer one :P

Anonymous said...

Haha... deal.
Hey- guess who's on at the same time?

Lezicle said...


Anonymous said...


Lezicle said...
