
DARFUR. is happening right NOW.

More Websites about Genocide in Darfur:









There are so many sites dedicated to Darfur. Why is it important to check out these sites? Because you can't keep ignoring it. That's what we do. We see these things on TV but then we keep eating dinner with our families and talking about our days. But just across the ocean there are people who can't eat dinner with their families. And if they did, can you imagine what they would say about their days? Genocide happening for not the first time in the last hundred years. And what is so much worse than the slaying of a people is the world's indifference to it. It's not to say that people don't care. Look at all the websites, and I didn't even post half of the ones I found. Not to mention articles about Darfur. But nothing is happening. For example, if in one month alone only 10 people at every liberal arts university became interested and started to send letters to state representatives, to congressmen, to our UN representatives that would be a total of 460 people a month just with Ohio's liberal arts colleges. Think about how much of a difference your voice really can make.

There is an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond about voting. Debra runs for a position in the PTA. Raymond ofcourse, selfishly tries to foil her plot to win by voting for the guy who brought buffalo wings. Debra lost by one or two votes. Ofcourse, Raymond has a big fat mouth and gives himself away. Debra gets pissed and it's a night in the doghouse for Raymond. There are consequences for voting and not voting. Your voice makes a difference. Use it. Use it right. A choir isn't made up of one person. It's made up of a group of one persons. You are the one person that may be the tipping point in convincing someone in our government to actually make a difference.


Anonymous said...

I know this isn't what you meant for me to notice, but that is an incredible picture.
They're so beautiful.

Lezicle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

careful darling. It's the same with people who preach the Gospel; if you come on too strongly or in a certain direction, it pushes the listener away... even if they want to hear or know more.

Lezicle said...

That may be true. But I post about people suffering in another country and you talk about how beautiful the picture is? The people in it are being hunted. I don't know...I guess I can't see it as a beautiful picture. It's a very sad picture. Anyway, I'm sorry if I'm coming on too strongly. But I'm not preaching the Gospel.

Lezicle said...

And I didn't mean to say you need to give money. That's a typo. I meant to so YOU DON"T NEED TO GIVE MONEY. You need to just give 5 minutes or something. Big typo. I didn't see that. I'm going to delete that comment. That was not what I meant. I didn't mean that at all. Not money. Something else. Attention. Anyway. Sorry, huge misunderstanding.

Lezicle said...

Also, I know there are other issues out there besides Israel and Darfur, etc. And I think they are all important too. And I try to keep up with as much as I can. But I can't push every single cause. This is just one cause that has been bothering me since I found out about it two years ago. And I guess I feel like I have to do more. Do you know what I mean? I feel guilty being silent. Silence kills.