
Snow Day

Here is my picture story:

I woke-up to my Women and Law teacher, Maggie, calling me to cancel class. I was so exstatic I went outside to revel in the snow! Oh snow...I love you!

Then Asher got upset that I was having all the fun so I let him out. And he got to see his first snow.

He did't know what it was and he started acting like a crazy cat...well, he is a crazy cat.

He decided to dig it all up and eat it!

And then he realized there were still birds around. But it was too cold so we went back inside.

Where he destroyed an imaginary pink bird.

And took a nap.

Before round two.


Anonymous said...

haha! I love it.
And you gave a sensational smile. I hardly see that in your pictures.

Lezicle said...

Thankyou. And the cat made a HUGE pink mess. It was funny he kept looking at me and making his "lamb" noise, which meant at the time "What is this? It's freezing." He was so funny. After that everytime I would let him outside he would go to the edges of the balcony to dig up the snow and kill it. Evil snow.