
So Real

Here I am, looking out the window, watching the rain fall and seeing the people moving through it. The rhytmic taps on the ground, the surrounding chatter, the casual music; it's all surreal.
Surreal... do you think that means "so real"? Like suddenly it hits you how real everything is. Because earlier we were moving through the rain, ignoring it and doing our business; not really paying attention.

And then you watch other people move through it, going on with their business. And you realize how involved in your business you are. You remember the many things that you ignore, that you forget. You remember how small you are in this world; you remember how special you and each person are; you remember that everyone plays a part in this world, somehow, and you are another unique part of it.

It's ironic. A surreal experience doesn't feel real at all, but at a closer look, it reminds you of what is real.


Lezicle said...

sounds relaxing

Anonymous said...
