
We make Each other.

When you're happy, I'm happy.
When you have a bad day, I have a bad day.
When you find romance, I find romance.
When your romance turns into a douche bag, my romance flourishes into the love of my life.
Okay, my romance douche bags too...
(which is a really bad expression, come to think of it.)
All in all, my love, we're connected, something similar to sisters, I'd imagine. We make each other feel what either feels.
And I love it.
And I'm so happy you're happy!!!


Lezicle said...

Aww! I really think you're happy cause of something else...but yes, I feel better when I know you are doing good. It goes both ways. Anyway...you still need to tell me your story.

Anonymous said...

Leslie, that is truly beautiful and touching. It was well put. I can totally relate to that. And I think that the closest friends are to each other, the more true that statement holds. :) (i'm talking about u) This was a beautiful entry. <3 u always!

Anonymous said...

I love that! And I love that photo.

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