
Cheeseball Day

I saw this card. I enjoyed the humor....

Anyway, I was talking to my friend Debbie yesterday about the pending doom of V-day. Pretty much we agreed that on some sort of terms V-day is a day for all the "cheeseballs" to come out and be themselves. All those people who secretly desire to let their cheesiness reign and reek havoc on the world. I'll be completely honest, as a child my only connection to V-day was the candy. I hated pink and red. And the combination of the two was really a bit too cheeseball for me. But V-day was like a second Halloween...without the awesome costumes. And you have to admit the cheeseballs come out of the woodwork. Heart shaped boxes of chocolates, powdery/sugary candy, teddy bears holding hearts, and childrens cards with lolipops. It's so cheeseball. It's so American. It's so....cheesy!


Lezicle said...

P.S. If you love Valentines Day, forgive my criticism of cheeseballs. I love you guys anyway and I hope you love me too. I'm just bein silly cause I get all squirmy at the idea of anything remotely "mushy". Anyway, Happy V-Day to people.

Anonymous said...

I don't mind V-day. If you already have a romantic significant other then you don't need V-day anymore than any other day, but sometime's it's nice. It makes others smile, and that's a sweet thing.
You also get heart-shaped balloons from restaurants. I like that.

Lezicle said...

Oh no, Perez! I love Halloween! When I was a kid it was so spooky! And I love to see people's creative costumes. V-day is just too..."romantic" and steriotypical for me. I don't know why I feel that way. It's just not really my thing, ya know? The balloons are nice. Everyone likes balloon...I think :P

What gets me I guess is all the hearts and things that represent love but don't represent love for me. And also all the past boyfriends that just cheesed it up on V-Day and made me hate roses and chocolate etc because they gave me SO MUCH of it.

Anyway, my V-Day was great. I turned it into Sandwich Day. With Soup Eve. I tried to create the most amazing sandwiches ever...mmm...except my yoga class was canceled so I had Potbelly's with Dave.

Perez said...

I love samwitches Hehe..But I have to say Halloween is worst than Valentines....Way worst, everyone tries to be spooky, when all they look is stupid and, well stupid.

You don't like the little candy hearts that say stupid things on them? I love them-yummm

Lezicle said...

ewwww, Perez! I can't believe you eat those!

Perez said...

Whats wrong with the little candies. They are good