
It is what It is

I can never stop wondering about the beautifully, infinitely glorious things thate are around. Especially those that I haven't even imagined yet. And when I get a taste of it, I'm simply in awe. And I remember how much I don't know, how small I am, and how beautifully complicated it all is, And yet, how terribly simple. But the good thing is that it is never enough. So I will always be reminded about these wonders, and I will always be seeking more. Perhaps I will find my place... but until then, it will always be what It is, and that is reassuring.


Lezicle said...

your place is where you are right now. NOW. Now is life. Later, who knows what lter is? No one. So when you get there you'll be in your 'place'. Until later your in a 'place' and this is so ambiguous and crazy. Arg.

Your 'place' is wonderful. Don't waste it worrying about finding it. Like most things in life, it will find you.

Anonymous said...

i'm not worried about finding it. i am finding it. and it's beautiful. because all these things that are around are more amazing than i can see. and that's what I mean.

Lezicle said...
