
A Thousand Words...

I am going to try to get back to my former love of photography. Nothing huge, but I want to do something here and there... even if it's with a disposable camera (undoctored) --->
There's this album that I'm also getting in to... just testing it out right now, but I really like it. Can you guess what it is?
Justin Timberlake's Future Sex Love Sounds.
Yeah. That's right.


Lezicle said...

I really wanted to get into it too. But I don't have a camera that can enable me to take the pictures I want. I love my digital but I'm surprised at it's limitations sometimes. Anyway, I'm glad you are getting back into it. I've been thinking about that lately.

Anyway, I also want to get back to my art roots. I miss it. I can not wait for summer. How's the Europe thing coming?

Perez said...

Hey L.G.-
Cool shot you got there. I like photography.

I feel for you lezicle, my digital is cool, but there isn't much to change. Like water doesn't come out well and action sucks. I hope to take a photography class in the summer

Lezicle said...
