
Taylor'd for a Graceful Legacy

This is my mom's beautiful pup. It was supposed to be Ned's, but as always, the dogs bond to her instead... and it doesn't help that Ned is on travel most of the time.
So this is him. At 4 months. 40 lbs. He'll be about 80 lbs of pure power. A massive pooch, yeah?
So I would post pictures that I have taken, but Nooooooo. Those pictures are lost. Gone. You don't understand what I do with pictures! I treasure them. And I keep my little disposable camera for months, and pull it out on a random, memorable occasion and take a picture. And they are lost. Gosh. Freaking. Darn. It.
Oh well... I'll just have to get batteries for my digital.


Lezicle said...

He's freakin' adorable! I can't believe he's the tiny little pooch that napped on my lap on the way to your place. Actually...he was bouncin' all over the car. And yes, he loves your mom. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. Haha. He's so cute!

And he's already 1/2 his weight. Impressive! He's like a little kid. Anyway, I'm really sorry Wal-Mart lost your photos. That stinks.

P.S. Perez has been leaving you messages here and there. Keep your eyes open!

Anonymous said...

Oo... and then what?

Lezicle said...

then what what??