
Cloud Facts

Definition: a cloud is a visible mass of condensed droplets or frozen crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body.

Study of clouds: nephology

A droplet of moisture in a cloud is about .01mm in diameter. It takes billions of droplets to make a cloud. There are three ways to make a cloud: 1) air is cooled below its saturation point. This happens when the air comes in contact with a cold surface, like a cold front. 2) when two air masses below saturation point mix. Examples are breath on a cold day, aircraft contrails and Arctic sea smoke. 3) The air stays the same temperature but absorbs more water vapor into it until it reaches saturation point.

So why does it rain? Well, the best I can do to explain it as simply as possible is that something happens inside the cloud and the present droplets start to make even more droplets or ice crystals and fall from the cloud and melt, and you can only assume that if they don't melt then we get snow etc.

The color of cloud tells you whats going on inside of it. It doesn't really take a brainiac to figure it out though. If a cloud looks dark and ominious you can safely assume that more than likely a certain size droplet is forming rapidly...and melting on it's way down....etc.

Bottom line: I really wish it weren't cloudy outside. But obviously I can't do anything about it. Boo.

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